A misty start to the day at 3 am
And it continmued misty for a few hours.
This turned to rain for a brief spell around 9 am
And then back to sunshine by half past 10.
Pat and Dave called around for a coffee.
Not forgetting Briagha though she had to do without the coffee.
The light this morning was somehow much paler than the last few days and the sea and sky responded accordingly.
GB and I spent much of the day sorting out the loft – but don’t tell anyone we worked on a Sunday!! I would break off every now and then when an insect like this Heliophilus pendulus hoverfly came into the house.
The day continued a mixture of sun and occasional cloud.
Until, between 22.08 and 22.15 the sun gradually set over Lower Bayble. And finally it disappeared for a few hours.